Trees & Me

Trees have fascinated me for a long time.

They stand tall and proud, over seeing generations, regime changes, wars, historic events and natural disasters.

Giving life, shelter and sustenance to many whilst quietly doing their thing.

wilderness woods 041

Once their life comes to an end, be it from disease, accidents or felling they can either be left to rot away and replenish the soil for the next of gentle giants.

wilderness woods 116

Or, they can be repurposed and given an untold number of new purposes.

Since I first picked up a chisel and began turning random lumps of wood in to bowls, plates, vases and pens I’ve gained a new appreciation for trees.

I can’t do my work if they’re not looked after.

wood shavings and chisel

I’m not a trained wood turner, I learn as I go, one exploding bowl, burnt finger and super glued hand at a time.

turning a bowl

Here I will be sharing my journey with wood turning and wood work in general as I hopefully develop new skills and take my work to the next level,

maybe some might find this informative!

wood dyed fabric

stack of bowls
